Wedding Welcome ideas

It's your wedding ceremony so make the entry to your celebrations grand! Nothing can give your guests and family a glimpse of what to expect at your wedding than the way they are welcomed. From traditional India music and dance to the shower of rose petals and scented rose water, there are numerous choices available for you. You can pick the grand welcome entertainment that you want to make sure that your guests walk in to an unforgettable event

The way your guests are welcomed can set the tone for the celebrations. To make the welcome unique and your own and a reflection of who you are we offer extensive advice and suggestion to tailor and help you choose the perfect music or entertainment package that will suit your every need.

At Marriage Colours, we provide our clients with highly professional musicians and entertainers based on their preferences and budgets. Our Wedding Welcome ideas span a wide variety of options, which includes Chenda Melam, Kombu Vadhyam, Mangala Vadhyam, drummer/band, sprinkle of rose perfume, shower of rose petals, ladies with cherry, folk dancers to Indian music instruments and much much more

We have partnered with some of the best live Wedding Welcome ideas providers who have extensive experience in handling marriage ceremony music. All of our Wedding Welcome ideas are well-known for their group of fully-trained musicians and singers and expert performers who can provide any style of welcome music or entertainment to suit your specific tastes and budget

Our team of experienced welcome entertainment partners, vendors and specialists includes performers who have entertained at hundreds of Wedding Welcome ideas. Specialising in providing mesmerising, elegant, professional and unforgettable Wedding Welcome ideas, our entertainment associates can enhance the ambience at your celebrations with the perfect entertainment solutions that will make everyone feel welcome.

Whether you are looking for unique, understated or a grand welcome entertainment service for your wedding, we can find you the right package to make your guests enjoy your celebrations from the very beginning. For a customised welcome entertainment solution, book our service online now.

Let's plan something awesome, together!

Adyar, Chennai

TN, India

